miércoles, febrero 14, 2007

Pedacito de mí... II

(continuación de la historia del niño y su nubecita)

...And many days passed,
and the little boy and his cloud would be together
or away
but no matter what happened, patience and love
caring and tenderness...
every problem could be solved through them.

But the little boy started looking into the horizon.
The cloud seemed scared,
and at first the boy didn't get it.
Once he noticed
he got scared...
He thought he'd understood
and so
He looked into the sky and smiled to his cloud
even though she might not know why,
even if he might be wrong...

He now would rather look into the ground that the horizon,
and he feels good like that
because now his little cloud doesn't look scared.

And he is happy after quitting to looking into the line
there where the sky and the land become one,
because the true path is already traced in his heart,
and he needs not look there again for now.

Maybe he'll look again,
when it needs be
and maybe his cloud will smile when he does.

Ok, ahí está un poema.
Otro de los detallitos que quiero que ella vea... espero que no lo pase por alto.

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