miércoles, marzo 29, 2017


sitting in the corner
at the corner looking
white room
comfy, closed, cool
light comes from an unreachable place
unbreakable place
unswallowable place

at the corner looking
lines touch
always, the same touch
lines in the walls, lines in the corners.

white room
room full of corners
fool of corners
can't think of anything else

comfy, close, cool
but the pain calls for harm
the face inside calls for a face outside.

light comes from an unreachable place
has it not always
why does that confuse so
why is this unreachable different from everyday unreachable?

unbreakable place
can't break itself
can't be broken
but the fragments are strewn all over the head
the mind is broken
even though the skull isn't, can't be

unswallowable place
no choking
no cutting
no relief after so much light
no rest - ever
like forever it feels to be there
in this place

unswallowable place
unbreakable place
light comes from an unreachable place
comfy, closed, cool
white room
at the corner looking
sitting in the corner

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