domingo, junio 25, 2006


Can't rely on you, vile readers.
Well now, I can't stop writing 'cause you're so ingrateful, so I go on.

I woke up to a new sensation today. I was mad at myself. It was great... made me work harder and shut everyone's mouth even if I didn't want to work in the first place. I also felt mad at me 'cause I'm taking the readers to seriously and thinking that someone is actually reading this, which I doubt. In a certain way that lets me be more open in the stuff I write here, so... to the hell with you!!! Feel important, O vile readers: you maimed my momentum. Onto this now.
I've decided I won't write poetry till I get some comments, so for now it's just my plain life, my useless philosophy and maybe something else here... plus anything Meryovi wants to add.
Now, I'm going to talk about the sleep. There are people who just love to sleep, but I don't. In fact, the last week I haven't slept half what I should have. Why? Cause when you sleep you are wasting time. There is a part of sleep that is totally necessary, and can't be spared; that need changes from person to person, but should be taken on account every day: every second you are not awake, it's a second you are not living.
Some people use the sleep as a shelter from the real world: you don't suffer, don't have to listen to shouting people, no one hurts you... everything is alright there; the problem is all those experiences are a part of life, and you have to face them one time or another.
If someone reading this escapes the reality through sleeping, please read these lines carefully: If you must do something, sooner or later, you should do it sooner 'cause later it will cost more; if you oversleep you're sacrificing yourself for the sake of some free minutes... That you're not living!!! I was sleeping now, in relation to the blog and to you, readers.
I was wasting my potential 'cause I wanted to know what you thought... I fell asleep so I wouldn't feel you not reading it. Never do that to yourselves... I learned from experience, you just have to live a full life... it's the only thing worth doing in this life. Now I chose not to give you the best of me, but to be selfish and only say what I must say.
Farewell, and I shall write again tomorrow... or later tonight, who knows.

Irving Axel J. Rivas Zarete,
Self Proclaimed Lord of the Thinking Idiots

3 comentarios:

g dijo...

ok ok...just because I'd like you to continue writing here's a comment. Perhaps the first of many others...who knows.

Nivreial dijo...

:D I am Smiling T_T i feel a sudden realisation in my life! thanks! I guess My partner's gonna feel good to.

Instigator dijo...

I saw that you traded links on the bested blog of all time. I'm doing the same with my blog, but only actively. Interested? I'll put a link to your blog on mine. You do the same on yours, and I'll keep my link.

My blog is experimental. I have an agreement with 4 of my brilliant friends to experiment with whatever comes to mind. It is an ode to expression in the purest form. We just started, so there aren't a lot of post yet.

hope you join.

and btw you have to be self proclaimed, because that idiot spot has been taken... a challenge between our blogs. the most idiotic will win. no judge, no jury, just an everlasting fight for the throne! I dareyou! Wo ha!